Tuesday 17 June 2008

Second Life Quotes

I keep a notecard in my inventory in Second Life which is full if quotes I've picked up over the past year or so. I decided it was about time to share these with you all, but to save too much embarrassment, I'm not telling you who said them (except that most of them are Tene's)! Enjoy...

"Why is it, all the most exciting things happen to me, while i'm not there?"

"Is it called 'taking advantage' when i'm going 'c'mon then'?"

"I know its big, but i find it manageable."

"Carry on any lower and you'd have poked me in the hard."
"Wood flooring"

"It was just a big something shooting across before me"

"Meanwhile, i appear to be jammed on a coconut"

"Tene has a good set of balls "

"Mmm i'm hungry for beavers...I think that's what that is"

"I'm doing a series of nude ladies"

"Yeah, don't want the condom to accidentaly "go off"..."

"Doods, I have big pants!! And they amuse me greatly!"

"I'm gonna die, you two are so adorable, just shoot me full of cute why don't you, im'a OD"

"Hey. I can be adorable when im not wearing black or bound in leather......"

"I'm a horse, of coarse I have hairy legs"

"Oh hey! look... my coat tails are twisted... so are jonnee's danglies"

"Do you have to be sooo tiny?"

"Have you noticed tho, I'm stuck in a position like I'm about to drop a major log"

"His banana hammock is like a train wreck. ya cant look away."

"Everyone is naked and gay."

"My balls are much more suited to this"

"I have one attachment I keep well polished thank you."

"Damn...haven't had mine polished in ages"

"Ooooh my ring is on fire"

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