Last night Tenebrous and I went along to the latest of the SL Plurkers parties and as usual had a fantastic night. The venue was the home of the fabulous Tiernan Serpentine and her slinky sidekick Kitty Lalonde and the theme was Las Vegas. In the true style of the Nevada resort, Tie and Kitty had the neon up full and the dance poles slicked and ready.

With feathers ruffling and sequins shining, we shimmied and wiggled the hours away, listening to music supplied but the simply divine Jun Kuroda and later by my very own sexy Tene.

After the poles were worn down to nothing and the cocktails turned to pure liquor, we stumbled and swayed over to the SLopoly table, where I proceeded to go around the board 4 times before managing to successfully buy a property. A big thanks to whoever it was that took pity on me and donated me some property... I was too busy drinking Malibu and singing along to see who it was....

I think we can honestly say that Johan won the SLopoly, since after a while he was the only one paying enough attention to know what was happening. Although the Yak and the Bear that were designated replacements for the absent (yet present in spirit) Willow Caldera and Osiris Pfalz seemed to be holding their own.

I still have no idea why there was a fish swimming under the table... or two dogs having a little too much fun beside us... and that cock... (get your mind out the gutter... I mean a cockerel!).

We then transferred over to the Tringo area where Tene found a new love and I manged to win on a few occasions! Willow Caldera eventually arrived and for some reason so did a trash can.. which became the bottom of a rather cosy Kota Sandwich.... Tene started playing old TV program themes and a round of Name That Show ensued.. I think I lost :(

You can see the remainder of my photos here!
I wish I'd been there at the beginning, but at least I caught the tail end! Time spent with you guys is time well spent :D
"We then transferred over to the Tringo area where Tene found a new love and I manged to win on a few occasions!"
*cough* 1000L$ jackpot *cough*
Awwww great post Dakota and lovely piccies!
Really wish I could have made this one, sounded like an awesome party! Can't wait for the next one :)
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