Thursday 26 June 2008

Tenebrous' 5 Word Stories - Number 2

See the original Plurk conversation here!

Many thanks to: Tenebrous, Loaf, GingerSho, rotemu, rheta, spiderkitten, shockwave, michaelcela, jjacek, MadameMaracas (and me!).

It was dark. All around

the cheese factory on the

seventh floor, many people had

started hunting the giant mice

who had, in recent times,

started kidnapping the factory workers

who smelled of cheese, and

used by the mice for

keeping the rats inside the

local McDonalds. The mice hunters

wear jingly bells on their

private parts, hoping to keep

them from bouncing from the

ceiling and abducting them. Meanwhile,

in another part of town,

the giant mice eating buttplug

also known as Charles Cat,

was donning his superhero outfit

made entirely out of latex

which was black, of course

except for several small patches

made of linolium. This helped

a lot when he tried

to stick to kitchen tables.

Alarmed by the call of

nature, he quick rushed to

answer the door and let

nature in. "Trouble", she said.

Suddenly, a time rift occurred

five giant purple cats appeared

followed by the Doctor and

followed by the Doctor and

followed by another docter

and a giant pepperbox squawking

"Beware of the fish", and

a gaggle of little cuttlefish

swim through the air, oblivious

to the need for narrative.

Back at the cheese factory,

the two ripe camemberts thought

about the impending mice attack,

and girded their cheesy loins.

The Brie was running in

shedding big dollops of itself


The factory workers hurriedly tried

to cool down the cheeses,

huffing, puffing to no avail

watching in terror as suddenly

the cheeses came to life.

"Sweet Jesus on a Cracker!"

exclaimed a small random child

in the corner nibbling on

a leftover factory worker earlier

seen bribing a police officer

because he was Morris Dancing

without a license nor care.

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