Sometimes I wonder why I find it more fun to visit a club in Second Life than I do in real life. I sit in my house, on my couch, staring at a computer screen displaying pixels moving around completely out of time to the music being streamed by someone sitting in their own house, on their own couch, when I could be out there in the real world meeting people, soaking up the atmosphere, indulging in a few cocktails and dancing my pretty little heart out. Some people would probably choose the second option without giving it much thought, but not me. And not some 50,000 other people who regularly sign into Second Life on a Saturday night to partake of some pixilated partying.
For a start, I have nothing to wear! “Yeah, yeah, whatever!” I hear you say, but it’s true. When most people are out partying, it’s about minus 2 degrees Celsius outside and walking around in a short skirt and high heels in that kind of temperature just doesn’t hold much attraction for me. Nor does the rain and yet taking a raincoat or an umbrella with you when heading out clubbing appears to be forbidden. So unless I invent some new outfit that is cool and sexy indoors yet warm and waterproof outdoors, then I honestly have nothing to wear to a real life clubbing session. In SL however, ta da! With a few simple clicks I have almost every conceivable type of outfit all fitted and tailored just for me! Recently I’ve even been learning how to make clothes in SL, something I’d never even imagine wanting to do in RL, which really does confirm just how unlimited the options within SL are. You want an itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka-dot bikini? Give me five minutes. You want a pair of pink fluorescent flares? Step back and shield your eyes!
Secondly there’s the issue of people. In SL I can easily go to a club on my own, or with my boyfriend, Tenebrous, and not know anyone else there. It’s not a big deal. Within a few minutes, we could be chatting away to other people in the club as if we’d known them for years. But in RL it’s the exact opposite. You walk into a room and everyone there wants to know what you’re wearing, what brand it is, how your hair is done and sometimes quite frankly I can’t stand the constant assessments. If I want to be dancing in my pajamas, I should be able to dance in my pajamas. People should talk to me the same as they would if I was wearing the latest *insert current hot designer* outfit. They do in SL! They will probably ask if you realize you’re still in your pajamas, but unless you’re actually offending anyone they’re unlikely to actually let it affect their judgment of you.
So basically, if I go to a club in SL I can actually sit on my couch in my house wearing my pajamas and drinking hot chocolate while talking to non-judgmental people in a non-threatening environment. While still listening to good music, dancing like a maddy and making new friends. Who would give that up for spending a few hours in a sweaty night club full of drunken people and then an hour in the freezing rain waiting for a taxi?